Steam bathing is a very old practice used by many cultures in different countries. The ancient Greeks and Romans regularly used steam bathing and hot springs. Indigenous peoples also used steam and sweating as health practices.
Steam rooms have specific health benefits. These include:
  • Clearing congestion
  • Improving skin health
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Improving circulation
  • Easing bronchitis symptoms
  • Workout recovery
  • Relaxation
  • Lowering joint stiffness
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 Steam loosens mucus and phlegm. This can help you blow your nose better and clear congestion. It can be useful during allergy season or when you have a cough or cold. A steamy shower is especially helpful for children, rather than using a bowl of steam that can cause scalding.
Improving skin health
 Steam opens your pores and cleanses your skin. It can help loosen any dirt and debris buildup, which can help improve the appearance of your skin.
Lowers blood pressure
 The heat in a steam room can dilate, or enlarge, your blood vessels. This helps move blood from your core to your skin, which can lower your blood pressure. Your body will then compensate by raising your heart rate.
Improves circulation
 Sitting in a steam room can help your circulation. The heat significantly changes circulation in your skin by dilating blood vessels and moving blood toward the skin’s surface.
 Inhaling steam can loosen phlegm. It can also help reduce breathing troubles during bronchitis.
Workout recovery
Sore muscles are a side effect of workouts. Moist heat can help relieve pain and lower muscle damage. Steam rooms might offer some relief by increasing blood flow to muscles.
Experts used to think that these heated rooms only moved blood to the skin. However, they also shift blood from your core into your muscles. More blood flow might help wash away the waste products your body produces during exercise that can cause muscle damage.
Stiff joints
Because heat can increase blood flow, sitting in a steam room can help loosen up your joints and relieve stiffness. This is similar to warming up before your workout. Dilating your blood vessels allows more blood, nutrients, and oxygen to be delivered to any injured sites. Better circulation means loosened muscles and joints.
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